


You are most despised and hated
By all the creatures in the universe
But while your nature seems vile
Your purpose is the truest and clearest
That only people with sharpened minds
Can truly understand....

You are the fairest of all the forces
You treat men without bias
You make even the most powerful powerless
As even they cannot withstand your presence
You let them know they're all equal
And remind them
that even in their highest state of power
You can wipe them out like dust

You teach the truest lessons
That many fail to learn
While many see the beauty of life
You make life have a meaning
Even in the deepest suffering
You take that pain away

They say experience is the best teacher
But you beat her hands down
For without you
Many will never see that they are finite
And can expire and cease to exist at any time
And that they have to cease every opportunity
To enjoy life to the fullest, love with all of their heart
As much as they can, give back to humanity
and make this world so beautiful
To bless the future generations
Yes, you take even our love ones away
And many Innocents home to early
But you make us feel the love and vacuum of their absence
That we may never have felt

While life is unfair and cruel
A wolf in sheep's clothing
You bring an end to it's cruelty with the peace
Of silence and rest
And a pain we can no longer feel

Mankind is wicked and evil
But you have helped greatly in making life bearable for us
by ridding us of many of such evil creatures
You silence the wicked forever
And bring them to their foe... Powerlessness
Of knowing that you have put an end to their evil
And their ability to cause others pain
And corrected the mistake life made
By letting them gain access into this world
Through birth....
But you let the good, the truly good
At the time designed for them by the creator
Have rest

You are our home
For most, temporarily
Whether we like it or not
You are man's final resting place

You help the earth and life greatly
By giving rest to the older generations
And space for hope, innovation and opportunities
For the newer generations to make the best out of life
And learn from the mistakes of the old ones
And be reminded of how inevitable and unexpected you are
Because one day when they least expect it
Their time too will be up
And whether or not they made the best out of life or not
It will not matter anymore...

You, death, are a greatly misunderstood force
You may cause the world pain,
But you keep the earth balanced...
For without the realness of death,
There is no beauty of life....

"...before we can have a taste of Heaven,
We must all first die...."
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