

Rahman Baba
I don't understand why your increasing the pain of one who's already in pain

When the world sees me suffering in your love
It cries
Why do want the rest of the world to cry with me

I don't understand the meaning of your red lips
Why they drink the blood of my heart by every stroke

I Rehman am myself simple as I am in love
Why does the rest of the world see me as simple

O love!
How can I forgive you
For what sin can I blame you

The shirt of my logic has been tainted by your beauty
Where will I clean the stains of Mansoor love you left on them

O love
You gave a mocking grin to the simple innocent me
Why did you tell me to leave my own home

Sadness is to me O sad soul
That I am here waiting for you while your at home

People call thieves those who steal at night
You steal my heart and mind in broad daylight

It was GOD who made you red as fire
Those flames lept to my throat

There is no limit to the love of Rehman
Then why do you keep looking into the mirror my love

I am going insane for I have not seen my love today
I have yet to see Lord of the two worlds

He who has no wealth is indeed poor
O! I have not seen a poor man wise

Every tree bears it's own fruit
O! I have not seen a lemon hanging from a pomegranate

I Rehman am the sweeper of Muhammads door step
For I have not seen a court as Grand as his!

(A translation of Rahman Baba's poem)