To whom?
Oh Hello there! 😊
How you holding up?
Well, been a bit busy lately
I hope everyone is safe and healthy.
Just wanna share my thoughts
Wrote it down on a journal
But sharing it with you feels better
Perhaps, we can analyse it together.
Come to think of it
Sometimes, we push ourselves too much,
Train like a beast,
Work overtime and missed our meals,
Staying up late, getting up early
Put everything in the basket
Our efforts, our energy, our time
For what? And...
How you holding up?
Well, been a bit busy lately
I hope everyone is safe and healthy.
Just wanna share my thoughts
Wrote it down on a journal
But sharing it with you feels better
Perhaps, we can analyse it together.
Come to think of it
Sometimes, we push ourselves too much,
Train like a beast,
Work overtime and missed our meals,
Staying up late, getting up early
Put everything in the basket
Our efforts, our energy, our time
For what? And...