

.....My Dots
Oh man, while I sit here and read your writing, it's clear to me that you're still pining.
Talk all the shit you want, lichious, nothing you say is true but merely a taunt.
You knew I would see it and sure enough I did, I'm not trying to beat you, please I killed us like a roach with rid.
You wanna run your mouth, honey, so can I.
I won't regret my decision, but believe what you want if it helps you get by
You pride yourself on how well you bullshit, that's perfect love because your soul is full of it.
Don't write poems about me and say you don't care, if you didn't there would be no need for you to share
So fuck yourself "boo", go hang with the skank you call your consolation prize
One day you'll want me back, and when you contact me all you'll get in response is my dots......
Because once I leave this shit hole state, you'll be the last thing in my thoughts

© Malissa Nau