

Letter from a TEENAGER.
*A letter from a teen to their parents*
Dear parents,

I don't intend to back answer neither I mean to argue,
But maybe something is wrong with me that's an issue.

I know I've been stayin in my phone all day,
but I swear I can't sleep I couldn't find any way.

Please don't compare me with other children,
Cause things have been change a lot I can't cure my depression.

Even things aren't like you did in your childhood,
Generation has change there's nothing between me and that dude.

Maybe I shouldn't stay in my phone always but there're some reasons,
Finding someone relating me or the ways to pour my pain there's no bad intentions..

I'm fed up with;
"Your cousin is much talented", or
"Study and fuck off the phone"
I know it's kinda awkward but my mental health isn't good since I've grown..

Just listen me at least once, maybe you'll understand what I'm going through,
I need your shoulder to cry upon and your support to numbed all my blue..

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