

A dream upon a hill
I close my eyes and drift.
Dreaming of a better place;
A safe place to whittle away my hours.
This is a place I can only afford in dreams;
A small house upon a hill,
nestled into rugged cliffs.
I am stood at the window,
And my lounge is warm,
a log fire burning in the background.
I put my hand against the glass,
and feel the cold freshen my skin.
I watch my breath briefly appear and fade away.
The great expanse of window captures life;
A beach below,
With crashing waves,
and whistling wind.
The grey cloudless sky,
as beautiful as the sea,
awash with ships held in the distance.
The rippling colours of the tide swell and rest
And I breathe a gentle breath,
And my heart slows.
The stress and anxiety of this world is laid to rest,
And I dream a dream,
Of a small house upon a hill.