

"unblurred" goodbyes
How do we go on without a proper goodbye ?
Is there really such a thing as proper "goodbyes"?
Can those "goodbyes" be really unambiguous?
Those "goodbyes " that we never expected.... can they be certain?
Or, do they always leave us with tinges of doubts and hopes ?

All the things we never had a chance to say;
All those dreams we had,
Which vanished just as we ghosted from each other's lives.

How could something as beautiful as ours have ended so brutally ?
when the frenzied state is over, and our mind takes us back to all the love and joys we had once shared, how do we mute our regrets?
How do we go on without apologies?
Where do we find those answers?
How do we go on with all those untold tales?
How do we bring solace to our mind without a fairish goodbye?

In the secret chambers of our hearts, when, everyone else is asleep,
We are drizzled with endless wishes...
One of which tells our forlorn yet sanguine heart that,
Surely, somewhere, someday, our paths will cross.
For, how long can we go on without a proper goodbye.
Or , is there no such thing as "proper" goodbyes?

Can there be genuine goodbyes when we have lived in each other's souls ?
How do we go on when goodbyes are blurred?
We just silently wish that, we shall meet again, consoling our souls that,
words will justify our parting.

For, how long can we go on without a flawless goodbye.
Or , is there no such thing as "faultless" goodbyes?