

Born Artist
You wake up with the world
shining under your foot steps
you hear things and interpret
them into a masterpiece
no one else could imagine.

You see every piece of the world
in a kaleidoscope, like a puzzle
to complete, a question to wonder
you make a world out of the tiny
lenses you have and share a piece of it.

Everyday another color, every month
a single piece, and every year
a masterpiece, but then, there are
times that your film burns out of color and it's not the same anymore.

Through a broken glass
your pen does not write anymore
you can't feel color and the canvas
cannot sing anymore, just like
before it was not the same anymore.

I die a little everyday
with every line I make
with a disease only I could have
because I was born
an artist that day.

© miryelleY.