

Be In Everything,, Let Everything Within you and not Between You
In other to understand pressure and mass, I carried the weight of life on shoulder. It wasn't for the wrong, it might appear impossible, but I did, I made the impossible possible, because the impossible isn't literally impossible it is figuratively Probable. I walked up the hill and thought if to jump into the deep slope would widen my understanding of life pressure, then I realized no all I had to do is put myself out there to care to take absolute responsibility into my society, care less for myself and mightier for my community. Guess I needed more threat to myself to realize my place in my world and my responsibility on my life. What is my impact. Life saddens but it doesn't take away all strength, it gave us a shield to block the arrows while search for the sword and that's Hope. Hope Holding On to Power/Peace Everly is the resort life has always offered but our spite, hate and anguish on life has always blinded us from tapping from it, instead taking on by pain, despair and rejection the power of blind desperation, devastation of the blind. Wide abroad the sea abounds a calm storm waiting gently for a tempting man to get furious. If you are too content on courage and bravery, you may loss the clever sight to plan ahead for the ocean before tailing to the storm, cos it takes care for the head to know the fate of the tail. If you mind only the tail, the head will be at the risk of sinking. If you consider the head first the tail will be have horn to think. I take it yesterday have something against today, but don't forget today owns tomorrow and tomorrow will also be today, the delimitation is the opportunity to see them unfold, the mystery untold is a story fold and a history unheld. There's chaos in our peace and a reaching peace in our chaos, that's because we owe something to something and something owns us. The resort to our peace lies in the resolve of our chaos. Give no excuse, the war that's ahead lives for the waiting and expecting. If you can't live with the disappointment and truth now, one day lie will be your only truth. I'm done with life, but I'm not done for life, at least I'm not gone from life and I own a life to live. What's my peace? the believe I'm not alone and my doubt isn't overruling me, When I'm weak my strength don't his too long, What's my Chaos? my weakness never ceases too long to set in, nah, do I fear, cos to all is life, all path is fate, all point is destiny, all fount is Nemesis. I loss to none cos I must live both and I advise so

Be reciprocative
Be extensive
Be attractive
Be intentive
coz To survive
You have to attempt all life

© Onyemaechi Okeke