

The Heart's Lament
In whispers, I share my every thought,
Hoping he'll hear, and my heart be caught.
But alas, his ears are deaf to my plea,
For his affections lie elsewhere, and I'm but a breeze.
Oh, the agony of trying to be the right one,
For the wrong man, who's never won.
The energy spent, the tears I've cried,
All for naught, as love's embers died.
Stop the charade, let go the fight,
For love that's false, and a connection nightmarish and bright.
Listen to your soul, and heed its call,
To find the one who sees your worth, standing tall.
Most men are loyal only to their own desires,
Their hearts entwined with their own sweet fires.
But you deserve more, a love that's true and kind,
A love that sees your worth from the very start, and is forever aligned.
So hold your head high, dear heart of mine,
And wait for the one who'll make your love divine.
For when he comes, his words will be sweet music to your ears,
And his touch will ignite a love that banishes all tears.
© Pinku