

"Hey Stranger"
"Hey stranger!"
I don't know you and you don't know me,
But can we be friends?
I left my country heading to the unknown,
And destiny made us meet.

I was looking around town
Just wandering places
Having no particular destination
And while walking down the streets
We bumped into each other.

"Ouch", I cried, ready to scold you
But when I looked up
Your smile drained my anger.
I couldn't help but smile in return
And you rushed to help me up.

I remember it was on a cold November afternoon,
You invited me for drink
To apologize for this accident.
We were both at fault
But you felt more guilty.
Oh, your warmness gave me a sense of security.

You pointed at a café not far from there.
At the door and at the table
You did what a gentleman ought to do.
I blushed at these gestures, "Aww so sweet".
You drank with such gentleness.
Did I meet my crush? Or the love of my life?

All I wanted to do is stare a little longer at your beautiful face.
It was my happiest moment since I arrived there.
I took my last sip and then I met your gaze.
If we were in a movie,
Music would be played and the wind would be blowing.

You asked me where I was heading to
So you could drive me there.
"I'm just wandering around, acquainting myself with the environment," I answered.
"Oh, so it's your first time here!"
You apologized again, ready to bid me farewell.
I thought it was the end of my fairy tale.

But then, you looked back at me and said,
"Hey beautiful stranger! We met by accident, but can we be friends?"
My heart beat increased,
If not of my skin, my cheeks would be red.
I smiled and nodded.

I had your number
You had mine.
We went our ways.
Thirty minutes later, I received a text.
It said, "Hey stranger! We separated without knowing our names..."
The moment was so unique that I didn't realise that.
But a minute later, you knew my name.

I walked back to my apartment
Gazing lovingly at your name on my screen.
I met a new friend...
Who knows? I may have met my hubby 😊.
© L. Emmanuelle