

I lost it somehow
I lost it somehow, that precious thing
That brought me joy and made my heart sing
It slipped through my fingers, vanished into the night
Leaving me feeling empty, and filled with fright

I searched high and low, with tears in my eyes
But my efforts were fruitless, met with only cries
I retraced my steps, in hopes to find
The missing piece of my heart, the one left behind

I asked the stars, the moon, the sun
But their silence told me my search was not done
I begged the wind to carry my plea
But it only whispered, "It's not meant to be"

I sat in silence, feeling lost and forlorn
Wondering when my heart would be reborn
But as I gazed up at the darkening sky
I felt a surge of hope, I couldn't deny

For in that moment of quiet despair
A light appeared, shining bright and rare
It led me onwards, guiding my way
And in its glow, I found my lost treasure that day

I held it close, feeling whole once more
Grateful for what I thought I'd lost before
For in the darkness, I found my light
And in the chaos, I found my sight

So remember, dear reader, when you feel lost
And the world seems to come at a cost
Trust in the journey, trust in the now
For in the end, you'll find your how

For I lost it somehow, but now it's found
My heart is whole, my treasure unbound
So cherish what you have, and hold it tight
For in the end, everything will be alright.

© Jovan_love