

Teenager's world
Every teenager is hero of their own stories,
They knew they are different from the rest,
But still some of them wait for a villain to fight ,
I don't understand why they don't realise,
The real villain is in them who make them do things which aren't right,
But teenager's live in an illusion ,
By thinking this world as a villain.
It's difficult to control villain in u until u don't realise it's in u.
But we too have a angel who every time tries to guide us to right
but sometimes gets suppressed by our evil side.
If u want to just make a best story of Ur life than,
-Start loving urself
-Filter what's Ur thinking(cause 90% is of no use )
- love everything and give Ur best in everything
-help everyone without thinking of anything in return.
Ur life will be as beautiful as u look into it,
It's all on Ur vision, how u wanna see things.
Live Ur life happily without thinking about Ur worries.

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