

Story Of My Life
I tried to save you but it failed.
For some it comes natural when someone's tied down and nailed but being a hero isn't me.
No matter how hard I try, it wasn't who I was meant to be and now it's so clear to see.
The guy that tied you down had to be someone, I just didn't think it was me.
A hero would have let you go.
Instead, I hold on tighter like a psycho.
I'm evil to my core.
I'm not even speaking in a metaphor.
I hate what I've become.
I should be locked in an insane asylum.
Heavily medicated
Strapped down and sedated.
Never to see the light of day.
Keep me there till I rot and decay.
Because I deserve it right?
Being the bad guy is my birthright.
I can't change destiny.
I have to live with this abnormality.
And it's such a shame to.
I have so much drive and ambition but it's hard to be the hero when you were born to be a villain.