

switchin moves
WenIm feelinthavibe lo?..
I turnup themusictoreadallthe signs slow
It spEAks to me! youdon'teventhink that I KNO??
Whatit it doesit it grOUnds me
If wewer glo,
madetofeud ourfeet
wud b Outontha field witoutsome cleats
So i do less to keep that petty ish around me.
Like, I'll be well.. like One moment nd all be swell, andIknow you really all mean me well then all of a sudden I feel you just gather round to clown me for the swells,
Some how figured outtotuneit out.
thatabout that's notabout what Pronouns ME.
You see
Lonely Ness is a boring factor,
With any gain in stride,
you soon feel like rereading the chapters,
One becomes a rock base..
ND one is the "GO-to.." in deciding factors.
One may even be the knowledge bank
of reserved intellect,
Or another could..Just be in love with laughter,
Really? why does This even mATter Fess.
Imay oppress
breathe chest
Leave stressed only to return my very best
And I attest, the only reason you see me rest is cuz don't know if love understands or if I'm to
Find a next
Regardless if I'm in a benze, or a hemi,
I don't have to show you, smile for you, know me you, ND I, would be
OnGOD..if SHE din't exist I wud be put'n only U,
the one,
abuv me.

© Eg'or