

If Only You Knew I Have Fallen For You
If only you knew, I've fallen deep,
Into the ocean of my heart's dark sleep.
Where secrets hide, and tears do flow,
And the whispers of my soul are only known to know.

Your smile, a sunrise on my darkest night,
Illuminates the path, and makes everything all right.
Your touch, a gentle breeze on a summer's day,
Makes my heart sing, and chase the shadows away.

If only you knew, how much I adore,
The way you laugh, and the way you explore.
The way you whisper secrets in my ear,
And make me feel, like I'm the only one who's near.

But I'm afraid, if you knew the truth,
You'd run from me, and leave me to my youth.
For I'm flawed, and broken, and worn,
And I'm not sure if I'm worthy of being loved for who I am.

But still I'll hold on to this fragile thread,
Of hope and love, that's slowly being fed.
For maybe, just maybe, you'll see the real me,
And love me for who I am, and not just a fantasy.

So I'll keep on falling, into the depths of my heart,
Hoping that you'll be there, to catch me from the very start.
For if only you knew, how much I love you true,
You'd be mine, and I'd be yours, forever more anew.
© Melody