


Quit your crying young one, Let her sleep, long and let her sleep be deep,
she has earned her rest, her work is done, her task is now complete
It is grace that lets her rest now
so for her you must not weep
Weary from the walk, she welcomes the journey’s end,
We can not follow now,
Its only her memories there to attend
Let her know she can let go now, we are ready to be left alone
She will hold on until she hears the words
They are the lulliby that guides her home
A life spent preparing for this moment throughout all those long years
her life spent in devotion
of leaving behind her more smiles than she did tears.
Her work is now ours to do
her load now ours to carry
her work is the work of all men
a lifetimes worth, so best we not tarry.
She stands upon the door that some day we all must knock
She must need know to go on home
her time her is over
no more ticking of the clock.
He who would fetch our souls has already on us began his creep...
we have much work to do
so if tears must fall, let it be for all of man.
But for her do not weep.

Rest well friend. Welcome home.
© James Houghton