

When someone argues with me
often they yell and say
"I will pour this hot cup of tea
On your face"
I got frightened for the first time
Then some others told me
"You can't even get a guy to marry"
If you shout like this"
Some others from kind category Pampered on my head
And whispered "Why are you so rebel to all, It's for your goodness,
Please be normal, child"
I never realized what it is To be a normal I looked at the normal people

They all murmured with
utter guilt and despair
"It's nice to be obedient..
But it's not nice for our soul"
I can't kill the Enemy
I stab them to Take out the toxin
that kills them
I just shout out to prove them
when The veracity fails and fells in the Deep trenches of life.
I became a weeping puppet
After quarreling with my bloodlines And soul lines..
You know, some people live in Materialistic things
Some others for their ambitions.
The most crooked ones

Lives being the prisoner of some ideology...
If it is noval to the world,
You will suffer
When every sin became a joke
And every response
Considered to be arrogant..
I swear the word
Compromise can't satisfy
The thirst of a truth seeker
There lies the secret language
Of an artist