

To Her
T o H e r

I met you on day
When I was alone,
You were near me always
And it felt like home.

You became my soulmate
When my world drift away,
And when I was not in my state
You told the world to go away.

When I wanted to cry
You gave me your shoulder,
When I wanted to die
You were my holder.

Now everything is shattered
You left me standing,
My pieces all scattered
You were now abandoning.

Apart of mine
Died that night,
It is now too much
Now nothing will be alright.

You were my best friend
A part of mine,
Now you put an end
To this relation of ours.

In the end, it's me
Standing alone,
Trying to hide the pain
Like a clown.

We are not friends
We are not enemies,
Just some stranger's
With some memories.
© profoundwriters