

We need to turn othering into brothering..
Mistrust into mothering
We need to stop this toxic mentality
Of cruelty, hate and brutality
We truly are our brothers keeper
But the connection is just so much deeper
We buy into the lies
We cover our eyes
Blind to others pain
Only out for personal gain
We must have the new the best the latest
We let our envy and greed to often persuade us
That we must be haves and not have nots
In keeping up we seem to have forgot
That it’s the purpose of this life we live
To learn and grow and thrive and give
We much rethink the way that we are
Be human again and raise the bar
Bring back our sense of community
Of who we are, what it meant to be free
We much fight to get back all we have lost
No matter how hard, or how high the cost
It’s time for real change to truly begin
And perhaps in time we’ll be human again
Not these creatures of anger, of fear and of hate
We must rediscover how to care and relate
To see other as human not just as things
Let go of bias, stigma, and false misgivings
They dived us on purpose so they can rule
And we buy in and believe it then act the fool
We believe all the lies, slurs and stereotypes
The angry buzz words the deceit and hype
We all have more in common then we can see
We must reach out, open up and agree
Accept, forgive, listen, love and trust
Working together its all up to us
We are all family, and children and friends
We must try to move forward, let go, and transcend
Fight for each other
Have faith make amends
They’ve kept us divided, at each others throats
For nothing but power, money, kickbacks and votes
Me must band together, and fight those who cheat us
If we raise up and fight they can not defeat us
Too long we’ve forgotten the governments purpose
It’s not to control, its to protect, aid and serve us
Money and power has corrupted them all
Our letting this stand will be our downfall
They’ve failed us, ignored us, dismissed us and cheated
Our suffering and struggle and pain goes unheeded
We must make a change, vote the crooks out
We fight over scraps while the rich get bailed out
We need true leaders, who mean what they say
Keep promises, tell the truth and do not delay
Who put people first, and do what is right
Instead of dividing, work with and unite
Care well for the people and land that they serve
Those are the leaders that we all do deserve
Honesty and the truth are the solution
Respect and adherence to our constitution
Corporations control them and so do the rich
While we fight for scraps or end up in a ditch
They’re so out of touch they just can’t understand
That there’s only some much that we can all withstand
They’re killing their people they don’t seem to care
They think not of our lives, our homes or welfare
They prey on the weak and punish the poor
We must fight against this and settle the score
How will history fame us, what’s our legacy
As failed experiment? Or as home of the Free?
© Elizabeth Moore