

"Uncommon Valor"
Yesterday, has followed
Keeps on the same path...look
Tries to makes me uneasy
Faith keeps one strong
No matter how strong a bully may
Come along
Music plays...Sing the fit kind of songs

Yesterday, had a broken begin
Real is the story from the start till
Tomorrows running to the end
Never thought dreams came true
Till you put that smiling face..threw a kiss
With the words "I know you"
A Bruce Lee version of my dream
I hope one day, wake up too
P.S. I use to have a big crush on you
Heard not too long ago
Your back around
If your emotions have a curious crave
Look me up...I can be found
You still cross my mind
Dreams or awake...
Thoughts of you
Keeps my heart bouncing around
© Cynthia Inouye