

Life’s “Ideal”
An ideal you spend chasing all your life
Memories to hold onto ‘til the day you die

Just a spec in the universe, a part of the grand scheme
A hopeless manifestation, an unattainable dream

These days they run towards it with no commitment
So you often wonder if you are the one who is inefficient

“Don’t let them see you sweat” you hear them say
Yet, you are always the one left tongue tied trapped in the fray

You believe something is wrong with you. Why can’t you keep it casual?
The more you rebel against yourself, the more you unravel

Living in delusion, you indulge in something that is fleeting
Some secret affair, several clandestine meetings

Desiring for the long term, believing your defective
But you “need” that high for that change in your perspective

Love becomes lost to you as you leave it all behind
Letting go of those memories as you slowly begin to die

© Michael Kevin Olegario