

Traumatic Anxiety
It's scary,
It's all scary,
Even though you say it's not..
To meet people,
To walk around,
To be somewhere or to belong..!
It's scary,
Very very scary,
Whether you belive it or not..
To be alone,
Or in the crowd,
To be in the limelight or to be in the dark..!
It's scary,
It's all scary,
It's not easy, trust me or not..
To sit idle,
To take action,
To start afresh or to cease the past..!
It's scary,
It's damn scary,
I can't move on, even when I desperately want..
To live with the scars,
To burn with the wounds,
To die in pain or to suffer a lot..!
It's scary,
Man it is scary,
When u are scared of everything n there's nothing left out..
To see the ones,
Who once tried to kill your dreams,
Shatter your soul, happily roaming around..!
It's scary,
Awfully scary,
When u have just broken wings, with which to fly, you possibly can't..
Hope and faith,
Shall come along,
One day I will see the sunshine, alas, i thought..!
It's scary,
Cuz it's jus gloomy,
There's neither sunshine nor the joy..
It's scary,
It's very scary,
It's all scary,
Oh god;..!
© Krishnapriya