

Fallen Gang Members
Fallen Gang Members

In the shadows they once roamed, a fallen bunch,
Gang members whose lives held grip, a fateful punch.
Through perilous streets, their stories unfold,
Where pain and loyalty, intertwined, they hold.
Their dreams were tarnished by twisted desires,
Caught in a web of darkness, fueled by fires.
Brotherhood they sought, amidst chaos and strife,
Lost souls searching, thirsting for a different life.
Bravery adorned their hearts, a warrior's call,
But the allure of power led them to their fall.
In the depths of darkness, they felt so alive,
Bound by a code that they fiercely did strive.
But fate spun its wheel, revealing its cruel dance,
Leaving them broken, never granted a second chance.
In battles waged, they stood with guns in hand,
Yet dreams faded away, like shifting desert sand.
Their lives cut short, like stars dulled in the night,
Unseen tears spilled, hidden from the world's sight.
Insecurities and scars etched upon their souls,
Haunted by choices, as fate silently rolls.
Silent streets now hold echoes of their past,
Glimmers of dreams that didn't seem to last.
In the silence, whispers reach out through the air,
Echoes of their stories, their lives laid bare.
They once walked tall, invincible, it seemed,
Yet lost in the chaos, their destinies deemed.
Let their legacy serve as a lesson to be learned,
That the path of darkness leaves no light to be earned.
Rest now, fallen warriors, the battles cease,
Your souls find solace, everlasting peace.
May we remember the struggles you underwent,
And strive for unity, against violence dissent.
© Oyama Sibidla ™