

This POEM was inspired from the post of "Kuwait up to date" "Who would've thought..."

I woke up one morning in June 13, 2020. I sat on my bed and began to pray and say thanks to the almighty God for another day.
I opened up my phone and began to read some news and saw a post from oneof the leading Facebook page in Kuwait with a post "Who would thought."

As an expatriate in this foreign land, I have seen by my eyes how people suffered from this Pandemic including my self. Many were born lucky to have a golden spoon on their mouth but several of them has forgotten that poor people exist.
I wrote this Poem to awaken each and every mankind that we exist not only for ourselves but for our poor brothers too. I hope that this Poem will inspire us to reach out to those who are needy. Enjoy and God bless you.
#Kuwait #Philippines #Filipino #expatlife #Covid19 #Pandemic

by: Roel Daito

Who would've thought that this Pandemic will starve us because instead of getting help to build our lives again, we will all soon live in misery because we got no choice but to break our muscles and bones in hopelessness because no one cares?!

Who would've thought that in this Pandemic, we will experience what poor people in Africa has experienced because lots of rich and powerful are there to say that they care yet by action they don't?!

Who would've thought that in this Pandemic, the song of Michael Jackson "Heal The World" is the proof that a song is just a song but not a reality?!

Who would've thought that as a human being, your value is just like a home appliances that when you malfunction lots of them will never care to repair you but instead...they will junk you?! Am I really human?!

Who would've thought that when God created us, He poured out His passion and love and taught us to love yet when covid19 Pandemic came human became blinded of the suffering of his brothers and sisters?!

Who would've thought that when God created us, He created us equally in His sight yet when this Pandemic came human put a label of who matters and who don't?!

Who would've thought that this Pandemic will show us who really cares and who don't when you are just sitting in the corner alone and your tears fall down from your eyes?!

Who would've thought that this Pandemic will make me realized that our planet is in scarcity of love and compassion when being kind needs no one of becoming wealthy to reach out to someone?!

Who would've thought that this Pandemic will teach me that no matter how people will treat me less important as they want it to be.... I WILL STILL TREAT HUMAN WITH LOVE BECAUSE GOD TAUGHT ME TO LOVE MY NEIGHBOR AS I LOVE MYSELF.