

The Horrors
Don't my screams keep you up at night Devil?,
Does the pleasure you've gotten off me shine as victory or shame?,
Do you dream of me some days?,
Do I haunt you whole with my screams for help?
Did you lose sight of the world or are you just ignorant of pain?,
Pain! You've given me this trophy to shelter for life,
Making me lose sight of the beauty of the world.

Now as the sun touches my skin it's like a force of thousand man crawling up my skin and it burns,
I am left weeping like the rain with the memories that come with you,
You came like the wind and I trusted you only for you to blow me away showing me  that I've misplaced my trust,
You are a storm meant to destroy what is beautiful.

Yes You broke me and I hang my head low in shame,
Why me? A stupid question really
Why anyone?
You are but cruel and taint the beauty of this world.

© bhengu ss