

A Poet's Evolution
His first works of poetry
consisted mostly
of love themes,
which often represented
the feelings of being in love
as a teen,
and when the inspiration ceased
as a young adult,
the poet went into deep hibernation,
which after healing
from a deep, dark depression,
got awakened,
thanks to the Son,
Who through the Spirit,
turned him into a new creation,
which also became evident
in his writings,
where love and glorification
of his Heavenly Father
became more prominent,
and served as a conscious guide
in the chosen topics,
which now also consisted of subjects
like scripture, music, dance, fun, nature,
but also poetry and writing
and even critical statements.

His conversion
gradually let him accept his talent
and brought him to the path of purpose,
to serve as the salt on the earth
and the light in the world
as commanded
by His Lord.

To Him be the glory!
In Jesus Name!

13 Nov 2021

#Isaiah55verse8to9 #Ephesians6verse12 #Luke15verse11to32 #2Corinthians5verse17 #Romans10verse9to10 #Matthew5verse13to16 #testimony WritingThoughts #PoetryThoughts #PoetryAndWriting #God theFather HolySpirit theSon Jesus

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV

Image credit to the rightful owner