

Uncertainties of life

You were someone's love
You were someone's hate
You were someone's regret
You were someone's fortune
You were someone's misfortune

Some might have praised you
Some might have scorned you
Some might have pitied you
Some might have bullied you
Some might have bad mouthed you

People always made ways to criticise you
They had never seen the "good man" in you
But all of a sudden;

You changed, people changed
The same people who have dragged your name through mud suddenly start loving you
All, disregarding their differences,showing their concerns for you
You are being praised highly for your deeds
Phrases like" how good he was ,what a rightful man he was, perhaps god might have loved him so much
That's why he was called a little earlier";
being echoed on your grave
They forget all your mistakes whey they already know that you've become spiritless
They praise you as if they have done a PhD in eulogy

My questions are;

Why didn't they love you the same as they do now.
Why didn't they forgive your sins as they do now.
Rather than having been complained about the road you chose,
why didn't they show you the right path?
Why all of a sudden everybody loves you?
How would you know if they adore you and
how would they know if you can still see them loving you unconditionally
Where have all your sins gone suddenly?