

the now
All is well in my life,
I understanding things better I knew before hand
but I lost control of who I really am. They being admins they control what is seen and not seen it kind mess up the apps.
That not why I'm writing this.
You know I can understand why some people don't want to believe in the Lord and I truly respect them in their decision. I takes a lot of trials to learn how to follow him.
I can also see why some people hold on to grudges I respect that too. But in that it taught me some beautiful lessons and I know I and blessed in my learning of them.
I understand how and why some people as they say fall out of what they think is love.
What I don't understand is when someone hurt a person what make them stay with the person that hurt them. And I don't understand why the person that is hurting a person don't understand why the person that they are hurting walks away and have nothing else to do with them anymore even if it is
all the person hurting knows.
Not everybody is use to being hurt and or enjoy being hurt and some people just want to leave get over it and forget about being hurt but nobody should expect that that person that was hurt to ever want anything to do with the person that caused the hurt anymore. Now I know that some people live in being hurt it's apart of their life and they hurt others because that's all the know BUT" and this is a big BUT when that person that was hurt walks away
one shouldn't blame them for walking away from the hurt that was caused by that ONE.
© writer2