

Love Don't live here
In the silent corners of my heart,
Where echoes of love once danced,
There now rests an empty space,
A hollow, a void where shadows play.

Love moved out long ago,
Taking with it fragments of my soul,
Leaving me a wanderer,
Searching through countless lifetimes.

I’ve gathered pieces,
Scraps of my own scattered spirit,
Mended them with time’s weary hands,
Yet some remain lost, drifting in the void.

I stand in a quiet realm,
Where love’s whispers are but distant echoes,
Not desiring the tangled mess it brings,
Nor the chaos that follows in its wake.

Solitude has become my solace,
The calm within the storm of loneliness,
A refuge from the tumultuous emotions,
A space where peace finds me.

In the stillness of my solitary existence,
I find a strange comfort,
A sense of belonging in the emptiness,
A place where love has no claim.

For my heart is not a vessel for love’s fury,
It is a quiet space,
Untouched by the stormy waves of affection,
A sanctuary from the pain love often bears.

I am content in my solitude,
Accepting that it is my chosen path,
A journey where love is a distant memory,
A notion that has no place in my soul.

So when my time comes to a close,
I will walk alone,
With peace in my heart,
And acceptance of the life I’ve lived.

Love has no home here,
No sanctuary in my being,
For I have learned to cherish the quiet,
And embrace the solitude that remains.