

untitled piece.
One of the most commonly used excuses I’ve never understood.
Is that one of claiming to be ’accidentally’ hurting someone you love.
Because from what I’ve seen.
When you really love somebody?
You tread carefully upon their heart.
You carry a first aid kit and attend to each and every one of their wounds even if they were not opened by you.
From there you know how rough these wounds look so you do your best not to open more.
When you love someone, you don’t give them reasons to question their worth.
And then simply blame it on their overthinking.
You take your imperfect self and try so hard to mold it into perfection for them.
You go to the greatest lengths to ensure they never feel immense pain because of you.
I do not believe in ‘subconsciously’ hurting someone you claim to love.
Hurting somebody you love is no ‘mistake’
You’re aware your actions will hurt them.
You just don’t care enough.
You just don’t love them enough.

© janet k.