

Despelled Illusion
Write a poem about a time that your illusions of someone or something were shattered.

You placed a thick veil placed to sheild my eyes,
and I veiwed you through obscured sights.
Turning a blind eye to my heart's toxic bind...
In my mistaken haze,
I didn't care.
Not as long as you were mine.
What I precieved as love made me blind.
I gave you everything...
All of me,
yet for you,
never received any TLC.
Forever for me, was only possessive infatuation for you.
No one else could have what was yours...
but as yours,
I was never truly adored.
To me and my love,
you were never true.
But that never set in until I saw her with you...
I gave my all,
but you let me fall.
worked hard for you all the while, and yet her... you gave your child.
My innocence you claimed, but her... you give your name.
She used and abused you,
meanwhile I satyed true...
and somehow I wasn't the one to choose,
I still wasn't enough for you.
Was it me?
Was I robbed or set free?
So many feelings and thoughts,
I just wanted to yell!
Maybe you both deserve each other for the havoc you've caused.
It's hell...
Either way, I was greatly deceived..
my heart hurt deeply,
but oddly.. I could breathe!
Oh well,
guess I should say thank you for one thing...
Illusion Dispelled!

© Plumm V Fleur

#Heart #free #lifelesson #Life&life #trustbroken #past #scars #writco #poem