

Fire Starters and Matches
My heart, aching.
Filled with desire, Breaking
Some days I can't stop thinking.
My anxiety starts peaking,
And my RLS is triggered, so my legs just won't stop, shaking.
But trust It's not what you are thinking, it's not because I wanna die, or because I always cry.
It's all because I'll miss you till the heart beats out of time, but the beats will for ever rhyme with yours.
There's a spot in my heart I named eternally yours,
In that spot is that ghost of yours,
Till we get to hold each other and our flames become one.
Our souls are on fire,
they burn two of the same,
My twin flame,
a matching blaze,
equal flame,
At a match I gaze,
because inside this match replays the days that we're never spent in your embrace,
And that beautiful face I used to face,
with grace,
In my heart there was no trace,
because that face,
I used to face,
Became a match,
And grew a flame,
And this flame it was not faceless,
Nor was it nameless,
And the name of the face in the matchless flame, well it was you.
And your name was crafted in matches,
And the match sticks burned to ashes,
But your image still lingered in the smoke....

By: Justus pete

© poetic_justus11/07