

I tried, I did!!
The journey has come to an end,
Weaving through meandering paths,
Sometimes alone, often with a friend.

People keep crossing paths,
Some leave a mark, most do not.
They teach you, they learn
It's mutually done.
I wish I could stay more
But, this is all i can endure.

I tried, I did, to smile and say
Listen to my story,
I too want to stay!!
But they were all very busy,
In their regime and my inner light
was getting very dim.

I was acting normal,
that is what I'm supposed to do.
What was breaking inside,
no one had a clue.
Thousands know me
but, no! they do not,
when I needed them the most
they all forgot.

I tried, I did, to smile and say,
Listen to my story,
I too want to stay!!
kiran :(