

Ely's Elegy

It's also nice to listen to the sound of the waves every spring,
Especially when our hearts are drenched with stings,
Strange as it can be when you cling,
Now I know why you flap your wings,
Still can't believe how my heart swings everytime you sing;
Your voice caress my ears very much as how you made my heart dance and spin.

It spun in glee like those greeny scenery,
And I love how it gives me tranquility;
it matches with how the cold breeze at night hugged me,
It tickles like those lil' waves slightly touching me;
And it's as comforting as how your hands on my hair does its magic of lightly stroking me;
It's that euphoric—my mind neglected your real intention,
To finally lull me to sleep—forever

Well, gladly my angel.

© Bb.Sweethetic