

Letter to the future me
Dear me I know you may not be here right now but am sure i will see you in the future, I haven't been the best version of myself lately and its all because of the pressure. I need to talk to you so that i may not fail you as my past me as failed me, I have turned off all forms of leisure so that i can make a better living for you beyond measure. I feel lonely sometimes even to the point of breaking like a useless creature. but God as blessed me with a special friend in whom i find pleasure. Her name is Fridah she gives me the sweetest form amnesia for talking to her makes me forget all of my struggle. I pray that you may meet her as well for i believe she would make a good wife for you so never let her go.
Your grandmother as been feeling sick from time to time come sooner for i want her to be part of the success that you will come with for i know that you will make her fly higher than an eagle.
I am always praying for you so that i may not lose my way and lose the goal.....stay safe the lecturer is now in class i will write to you soon.

© blessedRestoration