

Corona Lessons
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
We whimpered and whispered,
fearing arrival of the demon,
ties with friends & collegues were severed,
oh, it is social distancing, was the name given,
isolation was a new trend,
quarantine was a social buzz winner,
stay home stay safe messages were sent,
we painted & planted, seeking growth inner,
we realized in this journey,
we need no expensive vacations,
our homing togetherness is worth every penny,
pricy hotels & eating out, for sure is going be rationed,
oh! Corona, you brought lot of pain & grief,
you served humanity cold death,
but you also evaporated growing disbelief,
& restored mutual love & faith!