

Echoes Of Vitality
Repeated chants, constant reminders, and fulfilling encouragement.
Encouragement that will get us through the week, the day, the hour, the minute.
Minute by minute we move along, knowing that nothing can change, change.
Change the way you think by keeping your eyes on the clear path ahead.
Ahead of the curve, being ready for it all, as we hold our motivation in our own hands.
Hands, hearts, and minds open to the new possibilities that circumstances and people should never be able to shake.
Shake free the cobwebs of your mind, soul, and body with a kiss from the essence of lifes bliss.
Bliss is so much better than breaking down in despair, let's make this so more of a reality.
Reality is owned by various ways, so handle wisely.
Wisely, let us grow in the echoes of vitality.