Jacarandá from Paraná.
Bahia of acarajé and vatapá.
Brazil of anteaters, maned wolves and thrushes.
In São Paulo, Mauá and manacás.
I wonder if there are Croatá in Coroatá?
The reseddá, from the land of India, has ended up here.
In Pará I'm going to drink a lot of passion fruit juice.
I'm from Piauí, the land of cajás, cashews and xixá.
There are a lot of araçá in Macapá.
In the Amazon there are...
Jacarandá from Paraná.
Bahia of acarajé and vatapá.
Brazil of anteaters, maned wolves and thrushes.
In São Paulo, Mauá and manacás.
I wonder if there are Croatá in Coroatá?
The reseddá, from the land of India, has ended up here.
In Pará I'm going to drink a lot of passion fruit juice.
I'm from Piauí, the land of cajás, cashews and xixá.
There are a lot of araçá in Macapá.
In the Amazon there are...