

Failure Is Never Final
People always make their own conclusions that they've failed.

They give up easily. But it must not be so. Once the Earth revolves around the sun for 365 days, it never stops.
It goes for another round, again and again. This should tell you that you don't have to start something and stop when you realize that there's an error.

You have to keep on driving till you reach your destination. Sometimes you might get lost on your journey in unleashing your potentials. But hey, that doesn't mean you won't find your way.

It is actually the point where you will be able to discover your strength and competence.

You don't have to conceal your abilities in the dark. Don't let failure define you. You don't have to agree with the negative thoughts running inside your head.

You have to keep on moving and never stop. It is your duty to change the frame of fear that surrounds your picture. Fear is not meant for you.

Fear is a liar, a cheat and a manipulator. It's task is to decieve you and make you think that you are incompetent. But in reality you are not. That's the most exciting thing.

Learn how to combat your own battles and you'll see the outcome. Prepare your arsenals for the biggest fight in your life and when you fall be quick to rise.

Over the years people have lived with the knowledge that they have failed in life, that they have failed everybody. But when it comes to you, you shouldn't believe that it is so.

You must carry the thought that you have won in which ever state you find yourself in. The weapon may be formed against you but it won't prosper. Do not back down for any Goliaths to devour you in life.

Learn to be the next Desmond Doss, a great Soldier who never gave up rescuing injured Soldiers but incessantly asked for one more. You can do it!

Have the faith that Desmond had and you too will be one of the greatest people in the world. By being a hero and being your own hero.

Move! Never quit! Don't think it's the end because it can never be so for you. Every time the clock ticks means that there's a chance for you to make a difference. A chance for you to do something new.

Show your mockers that you are not a jocker but a serious combater. Show them that it's your turn to do the mocking while they hide in shame.

Failure is never final for you. This statement denotes that failure is not the end of your fight in life. It means that you have won!

Yes, it means that you are the victor. You have conquered defeat. Show that to the world and last but not least yourself.

#Inspirational Letters❤️
#YAY ( You Are You) Movement 👊✌️
#Selina Essuman wrote it😘
© Selly Essman