

I almost had it;
like an understanding or sudden insight
to solve a puzzle.

Like an answer to the question;
what do women want?

And zap! it is gone,
like it was never there before.
now i am suddenly stuck
between a rock and a hard place.

It seems like women are possessed
by a variety of spirits.

It takes a hold of their tongues ,
making them say some things right and most things wrong ,
but a man of patience will overcome them all.

To become such a man
is to possess understanding and wisdom ;
read good books instead of snapchat and tick-tock

And most importantly, to pray
For it is vital in a man's walk with God.

Be a good man, and a good woman will come;
Be a bad man and a worse woman will come.
It is simply the law of nature

Spirits are everywhere
and spirits are everyone;
Which one are you?
