

You were always there at our sides or standing behind our backs
You never failed to keep every moments filled with laughs,
We weren't the desirable children for you, at the most
Still, you fed, dressed, nurtured, and loved us to the fullest.

We're not ashamed to be called, "Papa's Boy/Girl"
If that's the least thing we could do to return all you've done for us,
To mend the pain we've caused from leaving you behind like you didn't matter at all
We were too embarrassed to even utter a word nor look directly at your face.

We regret each moment we've spent, treating you like you never exists
Ignoring your seek of help, cry of pain, longing for hugs and kisses
We let our pride and immaturity reign our soul
Yet, we haven't had heard any complain from your self.

This may be too late for us to say,
We are fortunate enough to have you as our father
We did appreciate and cherish everything about you, as well
Papa, I'm sorry.

• An appreciation and apology poem for every father out there.
© Sirene