

Ode To Rabindranath Tagore
Amidst the swirling tides of time, where dreams take flight,
I, Rabindranath Tagore, emerge in the pale moonlight.
A bard of Bengal, with a heart ablaze,
My ink-stained pen, a vessel of love's sacred ways.

In the vibrant hues of the dawn's embrace,
I paint with words, a world of grace.
Nature's symphony, a melody divine,
Echoes through my verse, a vibrant, living line.

Oh, the verdant fields, where flowers bloom in delight,
Whisper tales of joy, beneath the celestial light.
The rustling leaves, a choir in whispering chorus,
Share secrets of the wind, as the stars gleam o'er us.

In the depths of my soul, a fire burns bright,
A yearning for unity, amidst the darkest night.
Through art and song, I seek to bridge the divide,
To mend shattered hearts, where love resides.

I have witnessed the sorrows of my land,
The chains of oppression, the heavy hand.
Yet, in the face of despair, hope's flame I tend,
For freedom's song will rise, unyielding, without end.

With brushstrokes bold, I paint a vibrant vision,
Of a nation united, in harmony's cohesion.
Where every voice is heard, every spirit free,
In the tapestry of dreams, where all can truly be.

Though my physical form may fade with time,
My words shall linger, imbued with the sublime.
For in the hearts of my people, my legacy shall reside,
A testament to the power of love, an eternal guide.

So let the world remember, when my journey's done,
Rabindranath Tagore, the poet, the son.
Whose song of unity, forever shall endure,
A timeless melody, forever pure.
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