

Silver tounge
"I am the truth!" I was told my tongue is silver. If it has been six months and we have been on the same target." Nothing has changed." I understand it's not my fault that I have to be blunt!" I don't want you to think you are being punked!" I do not want to sugar coat shit. I know you think your ego is being smudge, Seriously who actually cares. Opinions are like assholes everyone has one. " yeah I said it! I just expect you to get it. Sometimes you don't have to say anything for anyone just to get it. I already acknowledged the fact that greeters only speak just to greet," but do we all know the mindsets actually meet?" Seriously I dare you to actually observe not judge the glass. When looking you know nothing of anyone's past. Some are to nosey to ask some say not all bad thing's last. Who's idea was it to judge because of a muddy pass? I thought silly rumors were there for some not everyone. God said not to judge anyone. I understood the saying such thing's as born with a silver tounge. I remember being scold for being to outspoken, I didn't think there was nothing wrong with it. I only spoke out on the thing's that I felt should not been done. I knew reading the Bible was more then just fun. I was just saying, "I see what you are doing just to be notice in front of everyone?".I couldn't understand why being glorified through the living of the beast?" Oh my apologies thriving off the sheep. You say you deserve a title that wasn't yours to have. I should of know it was a game just to make a new past . I should've known the outcome in my head, reality I was like the walking dead. Manipulated into handed over checks, paying bills to heal what really meant to be hidden or to forget I honeslty have no regrets. To see what was really behind the poetic reels. I guess I know the truth and exactly how it feels especially having a silver tounge is real. Nobody actually gives a damn how you really feel. Reality struck when you had the time to actually heal. The moment's you have are finally real. No more stories about knowing how you use to feel. Making false claims of how the heartbeat actually feels. Yeah I know "to whomever is reading this", "I know I am buggin what ever screws are loose." I understand the therapist says what is real and how you should feel to. Even try to share empty empathy when all you see is blue . I know you just like the comfort of the therapist because they're human and either went through or came out of toxic life too. I know trust is hard especially when you know it's like a paycheck or two, just to write what they think or observe about you, I know the reality that the doctor patient confidentiality, is a load of shit. I mean how many prescription, do you need to get. Now all of a sudden you aren't 100 percent. What part of PTSD didn't you understand or get. My father wasn't there
and my mother was crazy as shit. Let CPS tell it my mother wasn't shit. I remember what was done, I understand what the doctors just couldn't get. So when I say I have a silver tounge. I meant its just the beginning of having a silver tounge wasn't notice before. Being in foster care wasn't a gift or fun. I understood thing's that kid's would think was reckless and fun. I know the problems weren't me it was difficult for everyone. I know I have a high intellect, I know because I always sign my own checks. How soon we forget everything we've done to make other's feel jealousy, hatred and start to regress. Soon we forget what makes us all tick. Cause remember doc has to cash you in just to cash in or observe your call. Remember when you lay down with dogs and get up with fleas. The constant repetition of a conflict or action, and expecting a different outcome is insanity. I know I have a silver tounge it's kind of fun. My delivery rants aren't for everyone. I know my name has been mentioned by practically everyone. I remember being told the devil goes to church to, I ask really my gram said he was the prettiest angel too. I was most astonished, and curious to question what was reality afloat in the air. I was taught face the music without being scared. I remember when I asked the nun Why would we have to shun the divorcee? why should we shun the young mother that has a child out of wedlock. I was just kicked out of class a the door quickly shut. Gram gotten the call the teachers had enough. All cause I said
" JACOB was a cheat.
"PETER was hot tempered.
"DAVID had an affair.
"NOAH got drunk.
"JONAH ran from God.
"PAUL was a murderer.
"GIDEON was poor & insecure.
"MIRIAM was a gossip.
"MARTHA was worried.
"THOMAS was a doubter.
"SARA was barren and impatient.
"JOSEPH was a shepherd
SAMSON was a womanizer
"ELIJAH was moody.
"MOSES stammered.
"ZACCHAEUS was short.
"ABRAHAM was old and
"LAZARUS was dead...God doesn't call the qualified. He
qualifies the
called... So I am saying I know my tongue is silver but, I am only using my gift to tell the truth.
© I'm Not cocky just confident 😉