

A lesson you need to learn
You are a mean girl at school .

Telling me that I am not cool .

Throwing my books around .

Hideing my bag when I am out on the ground .

Calling me names

playing your so called fun games .

Bullying me into doing your homework .

Teasing me for being a nerd .

Dumping all my lunch on my head .

You don't realise what in my life your actions

led .

I grew self insecure .

For my depression there is no cure .

I started thinking low of my self .

I had to go to therepy for I needed help .

So let's see if you can ,

Walk in my shoes for a day .

Live my life my way .

You would learn a lesson you need for growth .

Maybe then you could realise how badly it hurts

because of the words you spoke .

For yourself you would understand and

see .

how because of the way you treated me broke a

part of me .

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