

My wounds
The grave of my wounds

When I hear the news of death.

The grave of my wounds open,

The one who has lost loved ones,

But the Feeling is the same.

To hear the heart breaking news.(COVID- DEATHS, Natural, Accidental Suicides or due long suffering of sickness. )

The feeling is the same,

it is most difficult times in your life to mourn.

It is never ending saga begin which will never end.

The feeling of If begins.

If I would have heard that cry of anguish and pain.

If time would have stopped and wish I would held the hand.

If something would have changed.

If I would be able to help.

The feeling of helplessness.

Only time could heal.

However, the truth is that it never does.

We miss our loved ones every time.

When we hear someone,

Somewhere, are mourning for some one death.

Tear of pain rolled down your cheeks.

It is most humbling pain you go through.

You truly know meaning of love, ones you have lost.

The last respect, Last time you will see them and hear them.

All their ways and memories become sweet again.

The best times together will never be the same.

Only sweet memories to ponder in our heart remains.

The pain of it come back all over again.

If I would be there.

To lend my hand, probably,

This thing would have not been same.

Only with Lot of IF,

Death means end of all the pain you were suffering alone.

Wish you could look back,

there were so many ways to help and

so many people said,

“the person was good after death.

Why you left your family to mourn alone.

The grief of life time.

Death has no timeframe, when it comes.

We all have gone through with this loss of our loved ones.

Some time in our life.

We know how long the pain of IF, for which we have mourned.

It a never-ending pain which pierced our heart each time.

We come across of death.

Moreover, the grave of wounds open up with the pain of IF.

For which we have mourned.