

O' Ladies
You are worth more than diamonds.

Painted and filled with the deepest of joys.

O' ladies I ask that you love and cherish yourself.

For the beauty isn't outer its inner.

Knitted and sowed in every fiber of our beings.

O' ladies I ask that you love your bodies and cherish them.

For God made no mistake we he carved you from his image.

We are worth more than any money can buy.

And a lot of us don't realize our worth.

And I'm here to tell you that your beautiful.

Your loved.

Your amazing.

Your perfect just the way you are.

Ladies we are queen's.

And it's time we start acting like it.

Those seats wasn't made to capture us but hold us.

Our bodies aren't just doors people can just come in, when they want too.

But their temples we must cherish,

Care for,

And love.

For God made no mistake when he made us ladies.

'Ladies we are unique and one of a kind. And perfect in every aspect out of our soles. A lot of us don't get told our worth and existence. But I'm here to tell you your worth it.' 👩🏿💎

© DR