

Loving is a very strong feeling
This is what I feel like
When you just let go of some one you love
Or even when you hold them tight

Self less love is what we have all been thought
Loving someone to let them go
But they don't realise that it's a one sided battle which only i fought

You have to be brave they said if you wanna enter the world of love
It's not always colours and fragrances ,
but sometimes it's a huge stone of greef that a person has to shove

But this time it's different because unknowingly you have become my saviour
I feel like loveing you in a selfish behaviour

I wanna make us both feel like those missing path which have now crossed the border
I wanna be held by those empty arms of yours and those broad shoulders

This time i feel like the feelings are mutual
I can see what your eyes are dreaming about and
This connection of ours is not an ordinary one but something unusual
© MayAp