

Change Everything

If I could go back in time I would change everything I did my whole life.
would have a better relationship with my dad
faught harder to have a better relationship with my mom
would have did more right than I did wrong.
worked harder to be a better person instead of just thinking that life just carried on with no bad outcomes.
would have stayed and finished school cuz now as an adult without that education everything is more difficult.
would have fought to have better relationships with friends and family instead of thinking that they'd always be here with me.
now living in regret. because the ones that truly were there for me and cared are now no longer here.
you never really understand or know how precious time is with the ones you love because it becomes more shorter as the days evolve.
you really think when people say lifes too short that's that's just a joke.
but in reality now that makes perfect sense to me.
if I could go back in time I would change everything in my life not just because it was all bad.
but because I wouldn't have taken so much for granted.
not understanding how fast life would pass by.
Or how somebody can be there one day but gone forever the next.

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