

Sorry excuse of love
Just being with me accumulated the stars on your shoulders but it stripped down my honour, violated my sense of belief, defiled my dignity.

To you all our intimate moments were to be shouted over the rooftop. Just one encounter with you,a mere brushing of lips spread like a wildfire and a more exaggerated filthy pornographic version reached my ears.
And you still think you can pursue me?!

You tainted my image, i could carry this grudge against you to my grave.
Always concerned about your sexual needs and never considering my feelings.

You pushed me to do things that traumatized me. It was always what you want. You put me in harms way and almost risked my exposure,dragged me to damnation.
And you still claim your madly in love with me?!

Your version of love just elludes me. It just scars my heart.
Do you know anything about respect, patience,honour,care and attention?
OR all your love accomodates is taking rather than giving.

You just took a piece of my sanity and threatened to kidnap my heart. Am just glad i wisened up,that i broke the spell,that i succeeded in taking steps away from you. Am so over you,believe me.
© ˢᵖiᶜʸᵐiⁿˣ